Some Of The Great Health Benefits in Olive Oil
Hojiblanca and Picual olives.
The combination of these 3 olive varietals is not simply complimentary of one another in terms of achieving the perfect wholesomeness and taste sought after in a jar of olive oil, but each olive contribute significantly to aid the well-being of the human body.
We have read it a hundred times... extra virgin olive oil is good for you. It is good for the digestive tract and reduces the risk of heart disease. Different articles inform us that extra virgin olive oil, because it is derived from the first pressing of olives, is least processed and therefore provide higher levels of antioxidants, either as Vitamin E or poly-phenols.
The Arbequina olive is named after the town of Arbeca and it is developed largely in Catalonia which is in the northern area of Spain. The olive has a higher yield of juice and therefore predominantly used in olive oil production. Many explain the taste of Arbequina olive oil to range from buttery to peppery.
Some say nutty and fruity, linking the taste to almonds and melons. But other discerning palates connect the taste with spring, conjuring artichokes and tomatoes as part of their taste expertise. Nevertheless, oil from the Arbequina olive have been dubbed by the Spaniards as their"liquid gold"
This high praise for the olive is due to the ample amount of Oleic acid found in the oil which is conducive to cardiovascular health. Oleic acid, also known as the mono-unsaturated Omega-9 fatty acid, spurs on hypotension or the decrease of blood pressure. Incorporated into a suitable diet, oil from the Arbequina, over time, may aid those suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure. Aside from Oleic acid, Linoleic acid is also found in Arbequina. Linoleic acid is the unsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid.
This is one of two essential fatty acids that people must consume because the body itself cannot synthesize it on its own. People who lack Linoleic acid in their system may suffer hair loss and inability for wounds to heal fast.
Like the Arbequina, the Hojiblanca olive is loaded with Oleic acid. Even though the oil return is low in regards to pressing, the amount of Oleic acid found in the yield comes close to 77%. This nutty and peppery olive oil, which some have described as having a sweet followed by a sour aftertaste, is low in saturated fat.
In addition, it reduces cholesterol by increasing HDL cholesterol, which is regarded as the good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol move the LDL or bad cholesterol away to prevent arterial plaque buildup or clogged arteries.
Rounding out the Blend Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the Picual olive. The Picual olive accounts for 50% of Spanish olives and 20 percent in the world. The Picual olives yield plenty of juice as well as near 80% of monounsaturated Oleic acid which, as mentioned before, contributes highly to the avoidance of cardiovascular disease.
The Picual oil is full bodied and very peppery in taste. This peppery taste is often associated with the amount of antioxidants or poly-phenols found in the olive's oil. Antioxidants are responsible for keeping cells healthy while poly-phenols help lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure.
Whatever oil one selects for Spring, an individual cannot go wrong with the Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Based on the benefits the 3 olives provide in this blend, drizzling this EVOO on a piece of rustic bread, a bowl of arugula salad or as a finishing touch to a pasta dish with artichokes and spinach.