Learn How Olive Oil Makes You Live Longer

Researchers say that switching to olive oil, which is rich in heart-healthy fats, could save you years of life.

A new study shows that people who consume more than half a teaspoon of olive oil per day are less likely die from heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, when compared with those who consume less healthy fat. 

You can prevent death by adding olive oil to the diet. It is important to consider the quality of your diet and lifestyle. If our findings are consistent, we would recommend that olive oil be added to the diet to replace unhealthy fats.

Olive oil is rich with vitamins, antioxidants, and polyphenols. It is also a good source for monounsaturated fats that are heart-healthy.

These findings could be explained by mechanisms that are related to the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of olive oils.

A marker for a more healthy lifestyle could be olive oil consumption. The study found that people who consumed more olive oil were more active, less likely smoke and ate more fruits & vegetables than those who consumed less.

The study involved the analysis of data from more than 90,000. These people were part of the Nurses Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. They had no history of heart disease or cancer at the time the study started in 1990.

For 28 years, these people were tracked. They were asked every four years how often they ate certain foods.

Comparing with people who did not consume olive oil, those who consumed more that 1/2 a teaspoon per day had a 19% lower chance of dying of heart disease, 17% less risk of dying of cancer, 29% lower risks of dying of a neurodegenerative disorder, and 18% lower chances of dying of lung disease.

Researchers also created statistical models that simulate what would happen to 3/4 of a tablespoon each of butter, margarine, mayonnaise, or other vegetable oils if they were replaced with olive oil.

The chance of dying from any cause was reduced by this switch. The study found that substituting olive oil with other vegetable oils like corn, soybean, and safflower didn't produce the same results.

Before broad recommendations can be made about olive oil's health benefits, there are many questions that need to be answered.

Take, for example:

How much olive oil is required to provide a protective effect?

Is the protection limited to extra virgin olive oils rich in polyphenols or is it possible for other oils, such as refined olive oil, to have similar benefits?

The new study did not include nutritionists. They said that a balanced, healthy diet is more important than eating one particular food.

These health benefits are not only due to the olive oil, but also because of the way the olive oil travels and/or adds flavor. Olive oil is a part of the traditional Mediterranean diet that's good for your heart.

This type of eating is high in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, as well as lean protein. It also includes a lot of seeds, whole grains, nuts, and lean proteins. It is not about one food; it's about dietary patterns.

Nestle noted that olive oil contains calories and can quickly add up. One tablespoon of olive oil contains approximately 120 calories.

This isn’t much olive oil. The average salad served at a restaurant contains about 4 tablespoons of dressing.

It is not the same thing as adding a new fat to your diet. There are simple ways to replace animal fats like butter with olive oil.

Olive oil can be used in place of butter when a recipe calls. This is a great way to transition and introduce a healthier fat while still maintaining the flavor.

You can substitute butter and margarine with olive oil or infused oil to add great flavor to whole grains, vegetables, and proteins. Olive oil can also be used in baking.