Learn About the Benefits Of Cooking With Olive Oil + It's Quality Attributes
Virgin Olive Oil consumption is on the rise worldwide, mostly because of its nutritional benefits. It is sometimes difficult to preserve its health and quality after thermal processing.
Our Olive Oil specialists will be discussing a detailed review of published research regarding the thermal processing of Olive Oil to find the optimal configurations to maximize Olive Oil quality while minimizing the risk of developing oxidation products that can have negative health effects.
Unique beginning compositions can be made by the selection of specific olive grades, such as Extra-Virgin, Virgin, or Refined Olive Oil. These include bioactive and antioxidant substances that have a primary impact on the thermal performance of cooked food and its nutritional value.
A variety of cooking techniques, including common frying and boil, as well as operating conditions such temperature and food amounts can all alter the Olive Oil chemical profiles.
These studies have shown that in order for Virgin Olive Oil bioactive components to be conserved, it is important to reduce heating time to a minimum.
Olive Oil performance after prolonged thermal treatment is generally equal to or superior to other refined vegetable oil, also due to its balanced articles regarding each major element and minor.
It is more economically efficient to use reduced Olive Oil grades and constant replenishment beneath thermal processing, since most of its bioactive components, including the phenolic compounds, become brittle over time.
This will help in future studies to investigate the thermal degradation of minor Olive Oil components and their impact on human health.