Infusing the Ocean's Bounty: Garlic Olive Oil Steamed Clams

Embracing the treasures of the sea, steamed clams are a delightful delicacy that conjures up the essence of the ocean. When paired with the aromatic intensity of garlic-infused olive oil, this classic dish transcends to a new realm of flavor. This blog will dive into the craft of making Garlic Olive Oil Steamed Clams, infused with tips and tricks to enhance your culinary experience beyond the traditional recipes.

The Alchemy of Garlic Olive Oil and Clams

  1. Selecting the Clams: Begin with the freshest clams you can find, preferably littlenecks for their tender meat and sweet flavor. Ensure they're cleaned thoroughly to avoid any grit in your dish.

  2. The Garlic Olive Oil: Opt for high-quality, cold-pressed olive oil infused with the robust flavor of garlic. This oil will be the base of your aromatic broth, so its quality is paramount.

  3. The Aromatics Symphony: Elevate the dish by adding shallots, a splash of white wine, and a bundle of fresh herbs like parsley and thyme to the pot before steaming. These notes create a symphony of flavors that harmonize with the clams.

  4. Steaming with Precision: Steam the clams just until they open to ensure they remain succulent and do not turn rubbery. Timing is crucial; overcooking is the nemesis of this dish.

  5. An Infusion of Texture: To add depth, toss in some cherry tomatoes and capers in the last minute of steaming, giving a burst of freshness and a briny contrast.

  6. Bread as a Vessel: Serve with a side of crusty bread, ideally toasted with garlic-infused olive oil, ready to soak up the divine broth that's flavored with the sea and scented with garlic.

Innovative Serving Suggestions

  • Clam Bruschetta: Use the cooked clams and broth to top grilled bread for an ocean-inspired bruschetta.
  • Garlic Olive Oil Clam Pasta: Toss the steamed clams and broth with al dente pasta for a quick and flavorful seafood pasta dish.
  • Clam Soup Transformation: Puree some of the clams with the broth and a touch of cream to create a luxurious clam soup, finishing with a drizzle of garlic olive oil for a smooth texture and added aroma.


Garlic Olive Oil Steamed Clams are not just a meal; they are an experience that brings the seaside to your dining table. This dish, simple in its essence, becomes exquisite with attention to detail and the addition of quality garlic-infused olive oil. Embrace these new ideas and infuse your culinary repertoire with this delightful, easy-to-make seafood classic. Whether as an appetizer or a main course, Garlic Olive Oil Steamed Clams promise a delightful escape to the seashore with every bite.