How Healthy Is Olive Oil?
Here we dish on all things olive oil, from the health benefits to the way to keep this, plus our secrets on which olive oil is best and how to use it.
Olive oil gets a great deal of credit for being a healthy fat, and for good reason. There are many health benefits of olive oil, from protecting against heart disease to potentially warding off cancer cell development. Additionally, olive oil is a versatile oil to use in the kitchen, which is the reason why you are going to find it in so many of our healthy recipes.
Here we will answer all of your questions about the oil-like"What to use olive oil for?" "Does olive oil go bad?" And even"Can dogs have olive oil?" -so you can see that olive oil is best for you. Spoiler: Olive oil is OK for dogs to eat, if you feel inclined to divide your own bruschetta with your puppy.
Olive Oil Nutrition
1 tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories, 0 grams carbohydrates, 0 g protein and 14 g fat, which includes 2 grams saturated fat, 10 g monounsaturated fat and 1 gram polyunsaturated fat.
The mono- and polyunsaturated fats are the heart-healthy kind that help to keep cholesterol levels in a healthy range, which helps ward off heart disease and other chronic disease. Saturated fats typically come from animal sources, however there are small amounts naturally found in plant-based oils.
While it's important not to eat a lot of saturated fat, keeping it to below 5 to 6 percent of your daily calories, as recommended by the American Heart Association, means it is OK to have around 13 g per day (on a 2,000-calorie diet).
Olive Oil Health Benefits
Here are some of the ways olive oil benefits our health. It has anti-inflammatory effects
A study published in the Lipids analyzed the effect of oleic acid, a main component of olive oil, to inflammation. Researchers found that as intake of monounsaturated fats such as olive oil moved up, inflammation levels went down.
The type of inflammation they studied is commonly seen as a precursor to heart disease and chronic conditions. The anti-inflammatory effects of oleuropein, a component found in olive oil, may also protect against diabetes and promote weight loss, as another study from Biochemistry reported.
Olive oil retains our heart healthy
A newly identified chemical called elenolide could be behind olive oil's heart-healthy properties. A study published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found elenolide in the majority of the more than 2,000 olive oils sampled. Elenolide is characterized as an anti-hypertensive agent, and it is a fancy way of saying it helps stop high-blood pressure.
The higher-quality the olive oil, the further elenolide is current. In another study, olive oil intake was linked to up to a 17% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke compared with other types of oils, giving you all the more reason to get your fill of this healthy fat.
It encourages healthy aging
A recent study analyzed the diets of adults from Greece and several Mediterranean islands to see how olive oil related to aging. The authors found that those who used olive oil only as their dietary fat had significant improvements in the successful aging index, which is a measure of age-related lifestyle, social and clinical factors.
These findings were especially strong for people over 70 years old. Another study, published at the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, had similar findings about the brain-protecting effects of olive oil. The researchers reasoned that an extra-virgin olive oil-rich diet may improve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by enhancing the body's ability to clear out dead or damaged cells.
Olive oil fights cancer
Phytochemicals in olive oil may also block the formation of tumors by suppressing drug-resistant malignant cells, particularly in breast cancers, according to a recent study.
New research published Nutrients found that oleacein, another element in olive oil, can reduce the development of many cancers. These exciting advancements in cancer research are ones to watch, especially when they point to food as medicine.
How to Use
There is a good deal of controversy about when to use olive oil and how to cook with it. This mainly stems from debate about olive oil's smoke point, which is the point at which the oil literally starts to smoke (and may catch fire if it is still heated).
Heating for this stage starts to degrade the oil and breaks down its health-promoting compounds. Olive oil has a smoke point between 365 and 420°F. It makes a great oil to enjoy raw in salad dressings or to sauté vegetables up to medium heat. If you are frying or utilizing another exact high-heat cooking method, consider subbing it out for another oil, such as canola oil.
The short answer to the question,"Is olive oil healthy?" is yes. It is a great merchandise with nutritional benefits and anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic potential.
And when you know how to select, store and make use of your own olive oil for the best outcomes (for your health and your plate), you'll get the absolute most out of it. Now that you have obtained the details, lets get cooking!