Getting the Most Out of Olive Oil For Brain Health
A wide array of individuals have heard that Olive Oil is can aid with overall health — including brain health. Regardless, there are an assortment of things that can lessen the health benefits of your Olive Oil consumption.
Here are 5 essential rules for getting the most out of Olive Oil for your brain and body health.
Try To Use Olive Oil Labeled “Extra Virgin”
Olive Oils labeled “virgin” or “light” may have undergone a chemical process which unfortunately strip and brings down the nutritional benefits of real olive oil, or they might even be blended with other types of less-healthy olive oils.
Make Sure the Olive Oil Is Nice and ‘Fresh’
Olive Oil is a perishable product, and when it goes rancid, the brain-healthy antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and polyphenols go right along with it. NOT GOOD! We suggest that you check harvest and sell-by dates on the bottles: if you can’t find those, you may want to think about purchasing from another olive oil brand.
Keep An Eye On The Temperature
For the most health benefits, we suggest that you only use Olive Oilin raw or low-heat dishes. Above about 350 degrees, the beneficial compounds in Olive Oil start to degrade, and at high heats can turn into potentially harmful substances.
Store It Correctly
An unopened bottle of Olive Oil can last for about 2 years if stored in a cool, dark place. Once opened, the 2 main enemies of olive oil are light and heat – so we advise that you try to store it in a dark bottle and away from heat (meaning, not on the back of your stove or on a windowsill.) Don’t store it in the fridge; it will crystallize and may change the texture.
Check The Brand To See If It’s The Real Deal
Researchers at UC Davis recently found that almost 70% of olive oils labeled “extra virgin” were, in fact, not purely extra virgin olive oil. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to tell the real from the fake.