Are Attributes Lost With Olive Oil Is Heated

Contrary to what you might have heard, Olive Oil is not susceptible to becoming unhealthy or losing its health benefits when heated. There is a common belief that Olive Oil could lose its health benefits once heated. It may be incorrect.

The main health benefit of Olive Oil is its fat composition. Olive Oil is mostly monounsaturated fat. The oil's fat content will not change by cooking with it. The percentage of olive oil that is monounsaturated remains constant after heating at high temperatures.

According to the American Heart Association monounsaturated oils can help lower blood cholesterol levels, which could help reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease. They provide nutrition to support the development and maintenance of cells.

All extra virgin olive oils contain the same amount of monounsaturated oil, regardless of whether they are processed, heated, raw or processed.

Even when cooking oils are heated, small amounts may form from trans fats. The concentration is still very small - less that 1 percent even when heated for a long time.

Smoke Position For Olive Oil

Heat beyond the smoke point can cause all components to become unfit. The ideal temperature for top-cooking is 350oF. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has a smoke point between 350 and 4-10 degrees F. Olive Oil, or light-tasting Olive Oil, typically has a smoke point between 390 and 468 degrees F.

Most of the time it's unlikely that you will exceed the smoke point for Olive Oil by using the usual cooking techniques. It is possible to cook off your food, and then burn off the Olive Oil. However, Olive Oil experts advise that you exercise caution and avoid cooking your food.

Carcinogens or Other Toxic Compounds

Any oil heated beyond its smoke point can cause the formation of toxic compounds. Olive Oil has phenols and antioxidants which protect it from releasing dangerous chemicals when heated.

A 2004 team studied the aldehydes that were created when extra virgin olive oil, olive oil and canola oils were heated to 464 degrees F. Analyses revealed that extra virgin and regular Olive Oils were both healthier than canola oil.


Heat can cause unsaturated fats to clot. Olive Oilhas shown scientifically that it resists oxidation when heated. Canola, Canola, and other polyunsaturated oils have a significantly higher rate of controlling monounsaturated fats than olive oil.


Olive Oil is not recommended for cooking due to the potential destruction of phenols by heat. It is true that olive oil contains phenols that are sensitive to heat. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is combined with olive oil will cause phenols to be present in the meals. Extra Virgin Olive Oil-fried potatoes contain more antioxidants and phytochemicals than potatoes cooked in water.

What about the Taste of Olive Oil?

Olive Oil contains delicate flavor compounds that will evaporate when heated. While heating olive oil won't cause damage to the health benefits, it can make the oil taste less delicious.

Olive Oil is safe to use for cooking. Heating Olive Oil will not cause damage to its health benefits or make it unhealthy.