A Variety of Reasons To Use Olive Oil On the Everyday

There have been many studies that Olive Oil can provide some health benefits. However, there are many caveats to Olive Oil's health benefits.

Healthy Fats

Olive Oil is a great source of fat. It is healthier than most other oils.

Olive Oil has lower saturated fats. Olive Oil does not contain trans-fats.


Olive Oil could reduce your chances of developing cancer. Reduce oxidation damage and cell death.

Recent research has shown that Olive Oil is a good substitute for saturated fats. This reduces the chance of developing upper and lower respiratory tract cancers.

Cholesterol isn't allowed

Olive Oil doesn't contain cholesterol. LDL cholesterol deposits within the arteries and can lead,

Blood Pressure

Many studies have found a connection between Olive Oil intake and blood pressure. Both diastolic (and systolic) blood pressure have fallen.

Insulin & Blood Sugar

Research shows that Olive Oil could improve insulin levels, blood sugar control, and overall health.

Redue Oxidation

Olive Oil is rich in polyphenols, and Oleic Acid . This reduces LDL oxidation.

Health benefits depend on how oil is stored, the quality of its oil and its freshness.