A Much Better Look At The Extra Virgin Olive Oil's Course of Action

Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVO) are made after the first pressing. It is usually done more than 24 to 48 hours after harvesting.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be obtained only by mechanical or hand hammering. Also, no heat or chemical process is required. The only Olive Oil that can be classed as Extra Virgin (or virgin) is the one obtained from the first pressing.

Top Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The highest quality Extra virgin Olive Oil is the best in terms of quality, acidity and flavor. Some brands may have natural acids rates of up to 0.225 per cent.

Extra-virgin olive oil is most expensive. It is therefore best to use it in recipes that do not require heating. It is not necessary to use expensive olive oils for cooking because heating causes the oil to lose its flavor.

The highest quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be used in salads, or as a condiment if flavor is crucial.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil must have more than one percent acidity to qualify. It is recommended to use extra-virgin for dishes that are not going to be heated.