A Handful Of Health Ways To Use Olive Oil

Olive Oil is not only delicious, but also has many health benefits. Olive Oil is naturally low in cholesterol, trans fats, salt, sugar, and gluten. Olive Oil is high in monounsaturated fat.

Nearly all nutrition experts agree that moderate fat intake is important for healthy eating habits. It gives our bodies energy and is vital for growth.

What is Fat?

Fat is an essential nutrient that has crucial functions such as:

It is a rich source of vitality. Fat is more vital than carbohydrates and even more.
It's a carrier of vitamins A, D and E.
It contains linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acids, which are essential polyunsaturated fat acids.
When it is part of a healthy diet program, it can lead to flavor and a feeling "fullness".
It is important to know that good fats and bad fats exist.

What are the Good Fats?

You should eat lots of healthy fats if you are to maintain a healthy diet. These great fats include:


What Are The Bad Fats?

If you're committed to eating healthy, avoid these fats:


Olive oil and fat

Olive oil is often considered to be high in monounsaturated fat (very good fat). It also contains anti-trans fats. It is lower in saturated fat (bad fat) than common components like shortening or butter. Olive oil is one of the best ways to increase good fat and reduce bad fat.