A Few of the Better Known Benefits Of Olive Oil

More Greeks use olive oils than any other country. It has been shown that the Mediterranean diet is healthy.

Lower cancer rates

Heart disease: Risks

Incidence of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease

It is a trusted method for keeping hunger pangs under control, as well as helping with overall body health, maintenance, and wellness.

A 2013 study by the German Research Center for Food Chemistry found that simply smelling Extra virgin Olive Oil can increase your feelings of fullness. When an aromatic extract was added to food, it decreased the calories and increased blood sugar reactions.

Olive oil is great for pain relief

Monell Chemical Senses Center found that Ibuprofen as well as Extra Virgin Olive Oil both have similar anti-inflammatory properties. However, the two substances are completely different. Their polyphenols, a type of antioxidant, act on the same receptor at the back of your throat. This is why some people feel a tickling sensation when they swallow them.

The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Koroneiki variety has the highest quotient polyphenols. This makes it a great choice for external relief and beauty treatments on skin, hair and scalp.

Extra virgin olive oil may reduce the risk of accidental carcinogens

Extra Virgin Olive Oils has a smoke point of around 400 degrees. This is much higher than the smoke points of other popular cooking oils like canola (200°), corn oil (320°), and non-virgin olive oil (320°).

According to the Cleveland Clinic: Heating oil above its smokepoint (the temperature at which oil begins to smoke) can cause toxic fumes and other harmful free radicals. This is what we want to stop.

One rule of thumb is that the more refined oil has the smoke point higher.